2007年,为了使葡萄园继往开来,德•朗格桑夫人决定将葡萄园转手。她选择了路易王妃香槟酒庄(Louis Roederer)。这个家族式企业由弗雷德里克•鲁佐(Frédéric Rouzaud)领导,在波尔多已经拥有培堡(Pez)和欧博圣堡(Haut Beauséjour)两个葡萄园,在普罗旺斯、葡萄牙和美国也拥有优质葡萄酒。 在三个世纪内,两个家族已经打造了酒庄及其葡萄酒的盛名。现在掌管葡萄园命运的第三个家族希望能够再接再厉,让葡萄酒的品质和声誉更上一层楼。
||The 2015 Réserve de la Comtesse is a powerful, tannic second wine that looks like it will need a few years in bottle to come together, as its structural spine is imposing at this stage. Dark, brooding and intense, the 2015 possesses magnificent depth and pedigree to burn. A host of black cherry, graphite, smoke, licorice and incense hit the building, intense finish. The 2015 is a gorgeous Comtesse, but the brooding style is going to take some time to come into its own. This is a serious second wine. Tasted four times.