奥巴特利酒庄的葡萄园面积达22公顷,这里的土质为典型的梅多克沙砾土,十分适合优质葡萄的生长。葡萄园内种植的葡萄品种包括 70%的赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon),25%的梅洛(Merlot)和 5%的品丽珠(Cabernet Franc)。葡萄藤的平均树龄为35年,种植密度为10,000株/公顷。葡萄采用手工采摘,去梗后,就会放入控温的不锈钢桶中发酵,最后进入橡木桶中陈酿20个月,每年新橡木桶的使用比例为40%。葡萄酒在装瓶前会进行轻微的过滤。就葡萄酒的产量而言,奥巴特利酒庄的正牌葡萄酒每年的产量约为10,000箱,副牌约为每年1,700箱。2004年和2005年都算是奥巴特利酒庄正牌酒不错的年份。这些年份出产的正牌酒口感轻快,带有迷人的果味,还有淡淡的浆果风味以及香草味,性价比极高。
||Long owned by Xavier Borie, this Pauillac estate sits next to Batailley and is just south of Borie’s other famous château, Grand-Puy-Lacoste. The 2012, dramatically better from bottle than barrel, is bigger boned, richer and more flamboyant than this wine normally tends to be. The color is a healthy purple, and the wine offers plenty of cassis and licorice as well as a touch of incense. The oak from barrel-aging 18 months is largely obscured. Medium to full-bodied and impressively endowed, it comes off like a hypothetic blend of a St.-Julien and Pauillac, but this is a classic 2012 that is full, rich and impressive, with beautifully sweet tannins.