天主教修道士Dom Thierry Ruinart(香槟之父Dom Perignon的好友)来自法国香槟区的名门,家族以经营羊毛生意为主;他游走欧洲各国时,注意到皇室贵族们对香槟的喜爱,因此将自己经营香槟事业的憧憬,传授给他的兄弟Nicolas Ruinart。Nicolas同名的儿子也在耳濡目染下,对香槟充满着热忱;1729年,他实现了伯父Dom Thierry Ruinart的雄心壮志,成立第一家香槟酒厂。酒厂酿制首年份的香槟,当作礼物送给了羊毛生意的客户,1735年开始,Ruinart全心专注于发展香槟事业。历经数世纪的家族传承,Ruinart香槟被推销至全球各个角落,绝大多数的客户都是社会地位颇高的权贵人士;1963年被国际知名的LVMH集团并入旗下。 Ruinart香槟细致、高雅且复杂的风格,与酒厂使用高比例的Chardonnay葡萄品种有相当大的关联,基本款香槟就混合了至少40-50% Chardonnay,有年份的香槟更是使用比例超过一半以上的Chardonnay。而座落于香槟大城Reims的酒厂,有座历史悠久、深达30公尺以上的crayeres(白垩酒窖-高卢罗马的称呼),终年维持稳定良好的低温,配合适宜的湿度,成为存放香槟的绝佳天然地窖。
||The colour is a delicate pomegranate pink with very slightly orange reflections. The sparkling, light
effervescence has a persistent foam.
The nose is subtle and fresh, first offering an original palette of tropical fruits (guava and lychee)
and small berries (raspberries, cherries and wild strawberries) in the first instance. These are
followed by rose and pomegranate notes which complete the complex, intense aromatic profile,
dominated by somewhat undeveloped primary aromas.
On the palate the attack is distinct and full, cradled by a gentle effervescence. The aromas of
freshly picked berries are fully expressed. The balance brings together a delightful freshness and
voluptuous body, expressed by an elegant bracing touch of mint and pink grapefruit.