Aromas of ripe lemons and buttered orchard fruit introduce the 2016 Pouilly-Fuissé C C, a full-bodied, open-knit wine that's succulent and easygoing. This wine is analogous with the Mâcon-Pierreclos En Crazy in that it contains the press wine from Guffens's top Pouilly-Fuissé cuvéesùin addition to juice from the lieux-dits of Côte and Carmentrans whose initials give it its name. Like the En Crazy, it's adapted for early consumption. Guffens calls it his restaurant wine.
||Aromas of ripe lemons and buttered orchard fruit introduce the 2016 Pouilly-Fuissé C C, a full-bodied, open-knit wine that's succulent and easygoing. This wine is analogous with the Mâcon-Pierreclos En Crazy in that it contains the press wine from Guffens's top Pouilly-Fuissé cuvéesùin addition to juice from the lieux-dits of Côte and Carmentrans whose initials give it its name. Like the En Crazy, it's adapted for early consumption. Guffens calls it his restaurant wine.
||Aromas of ripe lemons and buttered orchard fruit introduce the 2016 Pouilly-Fuissé C C, a full-bodied, open-knit wine that's succulent and easygoing. This wine is analogous with the Mâcon-Pierreclos En Crazy in that it contains the press wine from Guffens's top Pouilly-Fuissé cuvéesùin addition to juice from the lieux-dits of Côte and Carmentrans whose initials give it its name. Like the En Crazy, it's adapted for early consumption. Guffens calls it his restaurant wine.