男爵古堡副牌Les Tourelles de Longueville體現了莊園的浪漫氣息,誘惑力十足。釀製Les Tourelles de Longueville的原料主要產自“聖安娜”葡萄園。由於這塊葡萄園主要種植美樂(Merlot),因此Les Tourelles de Longueville擁有自成一格的風味。此外,特殊的調配也賦予它更強烈的獨特性。這款適合私人專享的紅葡萄酒具備正統波亞克經典結構,口感豐滿,帶有柔順的單寧和紅色漿果香氣。平易近人,不需陳年即可品飲,為迫不及待的男爵古堡愛好者提供了理想的入門方案。
||The second wine of Pichon Baron, the Les Tourelles de Longueville, is the best second effort I have tasted from this estate. An equal part blend of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon, the wine is very seductive, with loads of black fruits, an almost caramelized note, low acidity and voluptuous texture. Endearing and pure, this full-bodied second wine is better than many vintages of the grand vin from the 1940s and 1950s.