嚴格甄選的園內精華區絕佳風土,造就了盡顯風土精髓的男爵古堡(Château Pichon Baron)。此莊園在1855年波爾多酒莊評級中即被評為二級酒莊,其風土自非等閒之輩。 這款上乘波亞克紅葡萄酒具有無與倫比的悠長口感,以及威風凜凜的勁道,同時又帶有系出名門的特徵,優雅細緻。
男爵古堡(Château Pichon Baron)於1855年波爾多酒莊評級中佔據二級名莊地位。這款正牌名酒產自園內歷史悠久的絕佳風土,由老藤培育而得。
這款上乘波亞克紅葡萄酒釋放出黑果和香料的濃郁芬芳,給人帶來一種強勁的感官體驗。男爵古堡(Château Pichon Baron)氣質優雅又充滿勁道,餘韻盈口,繞樑三日。
||男爵古堡(Château Pichon Baron)于1855年波尔多酒庄评级中占据二级名庄地位。这款正牌名酒产自园内历史悠久的绝佳风土,由老藤培育而得。
这款上乘波亚克红葡萄酒释放出黑果和香料的浓郁芬芳,给人带来一种强劲的感官体验。男爵古堡(Château Pichon Baron)气质优雅又充满劲道,余韵盈口,绕梁三日。
岁月使其更具风味,可在酒窖内陈放40年以上。郁芬芳,给人带来一种强劲的感官体验。男爵古堡(Château Pichon Baron)气质优雅又充满劲道,余韵盈口,绕梁三日。
||Château Pichon Baron 2017 is very dark, deep and intense in colour. On the nose, the wide aromatic range reveals notes of vanilla and coconut, even a bouquet of black fruits, combined with subtle nuances of spice and cigar box. The attack is full, with smoothness and sweetness. The precise tannins are fine and enveloping. There is a nice, long, opulent finish. Particular attention was paid to maturation, giving this great 2017 wine an elegant structural balance. The typicity is clear; the style of this vintage - in which balance is the main feature - is marked by finesse and distinction.