The Macallan distillery was founded by Alexander Reid, a barley farmer and school teacher. The original name of the area was “Maghellan”, taken from the Gallic word “magh”, meaning fertile ground and “Ellan”, from the Monk St.Fillan - who held a close association with the church that stood in the grounds of The Macallan Estate until 1400. Farmers had been making whisky on their Speyside farms in the area for centuries, using their surplus barley during the quieter winter months.
以飽滿的柑橘氣息作為主調,加上香甜的呍呢嗱及一抹香料氣息,Classic Cut 讓你能細嚐 Macallan 酒廠細緻卻不失經典的一面。
||以饱满的柑橘气息作为主调,加上香甜的呍呢嗱及一抹香料气息,Classic Cut让你能细尝Macallan酒厂细致却不失经典的一面。
||Flavours of citrus act as the backbone, with smooth and sweet vanilla, and a hint of spices, Classic Cut 2018 Edition is a great choice for you to understand how classic and delicate the Macallan can be.