This light red wine features the florid aroma of indigenous Japanese Muscat Bailey A grapes and a pleasant, fruity flavor. This wine is a well-balanced blend of barrel-aged smooth-flavored wine that elicits a complex fragrance with the distinctive elements of low tannin grapes and a tank-aged wine that elicits a charming fruit sensation.
結合了當地日本品種Muscat Bailey A的華麗香氣,具有果香,可口的味道。 突出了這種低單寧品種的特點,具有香味複雜性和迷人的果味。
||结合了当地日本品种Muscat Bailey A的华丽香气,具有果香,可口的味道。突出了这种低单宁品种的特点,具有香味复杂性和迷人的果味。
||A light red wine which combines the flamboyant aroma of the indigenous Japanese variety Muscat Bailey A with a fruity, palatable flavor. A smooth flavored wine that highlights the characteristics of this low-tannin variety, produced by an expertly balanced blend of barrel-aged wine with fragrance complexity and tank-aged wine with charming fruitiness.