The Macallan distillery was founded by Alexander Reid, a barley farmer and school teacher. The original name of the area was “Maghellan”, taken from the Gallic word “magh”, meaning fertile ground and “Ellan”, from the Monk St.Fillan - who held a close association with the church that stood in the grounds of The Macallan Estate until 1400. Farmers had been making whisky on their Speyside farms in the area for centuries, using their surplus barley during the quieter winter months.
除了慶祝 Macallan 新酒廠建成外,Edition No.4 本身就有如酒廠的寫照。
最顯眼的是背標和盒子兩邊都印有新酒廠外形的線條,綠色是代表酒廠頂部和外面的草地。除了外形,No.4 更將威士忌結構和廠房結構以 4 個概念關連起,分別為可見 No.4 不僅是系列中的第 4 瓶,而是 Macallan 團隊眼中的貫徹了威士忌結構和酒廠概念的一瓶酒。
最显眼的是背标和盒子两边都印有新酒厂外形的线条,绿色是代表酒厂顶部和外面的草地。除了外形,No.4更将威士忌结构和厂房结构以4个概念关连起,分别 为可见No.4不仅是系列中的第4瓶,而是Macallan团队眼中的贯彻了威士忌结构和酒厂概念的一瓶酒。
||Apart from celebrating the new Macallan distillery, Edition No.4 is like a picture of the distillery itself.The curves on two sides of the box and the back label represents the shape of the new distillery, and the green tone color represents the lawns on top of/outside the distillery. Besides appearence, No.4 connects the structure of whisky and the new distillery with four roles: Foundation, Form, Structure and Capstone.
Not only the fourth release of Edition Series, Edition No.4 makes the value and idea of the new distillery and making whisky come together.