Krug Grande Cuvée is the archetype of Krug’s philosophy of craftsmanship and savoir faire: A blend of around 120 wines from ten or more different vintages, some of which may reach 15 years of age. Blending so many vintages gives Krug Grande Cuvée its unique fullness of flavours and aromas, its incredible generosity and its absolute elegance - something impossible to express with the wines of just a single year. Its exceptional finesse is the result of a stay of at least another six years in the cellars. Over twenty years are needed to craft each bottle of Krug Grande Cuvée: the first prestige cuvee re-created each year, beyond the very notion of vintage.
Krug Grande Cuvee帶金黄色澤,當氣泡滑過舌面,迅即感到酒質的分量,口感creamy,散發如麵包糠及橡木氣味,接住是香料味,再來是乾果味,結尾甜中帶酸,像水果糖,有long finish。
||Krug Grande Cuvee带金黄色泽,当气泡滑过舌面,迅即感到酒质的分量,口感creamy,散发如面包糠及橡木气味,接住是香料味,再来是干果味,结尾甜中带酸,像水果糖,有long finish。
||As you taste it, notes of toasted bread, hazelnut, nougat, barley sugar and jellied fruits may take you by surprise. You may even taste hints of apples still on the tree, flowers in bloom, ripe and dried fruit, almonds, marzipan, gingerbread, sweet spices and even brioche and honey. You may also notice its exceptional freshness in the mouth, with rich and tangy flavours of lemon and grapefruit enhanced by the subtlety of its fine and elegant bubbles. Krug Grande Cuvée can age beautifully.