4th Médoc Grand Cru Classé, Château Talbot comprises 110 hectares of a single vineyard in the heart of the Saint-Julien commune, an outstanding appellation as it counts no fewer than 11 classified growths.
Ideally situated on the banks of the Gironde estuary on hilltops of alluvial gravel carried by the Dordogne River from the Massif Central and from the Pyrenees by the Garonne, Château Talbot’s terroir is exceptional.
這是一款來自法國波爾多產區聖朱利安村(Saint-Julien)的紅葡萄酒。 2017年大寶城堡紅葡萄酒色澤深邃,散發著醋栗、李子和黑莓的香氣,並帶有一絲巧克力、灌木叢、黑橄欖和煙熏的氣息,酒體中等至飽滿,口感圓潤,風味複雜,單寧柔順,結構感令人印象深刻。