In just a few years under the direction of its new owner, this growth which has always been well-respected among Saint-Emilion’s great wines has become one of the appellation’s stars, leading Robert Parker to declare: “Château Monbousquet under Gérard Perse’s guidance is exceptional. Right now this growth is probably the most exotic and most sensual wine in Saint-Emilion, if not in all of Bordeaux.”
Chateau Monbousquet 與第二間在 2012 年升格上 Premier Grand Cru Classe A 的 Chateau Pavie 是姊妹酒莊,都是Gerard Perse旗下的酒莊,不過在今年2月Gerard Perse已將部分Chateau Monbousquet 的股份售予一個基金公司。它最利害之處是莊主聘請到當今世上神級釀酒師 Michel Rolland 作釀酒顧問,頓時聲名大噪,2006 年亦由AOC級別晉升為Grand Cru Classe。Chateau Monbousquet 2013 無論在香氣和味道都是很直接,果味澎湃,亦帶有香料、雲呢嗱,焦油。最令人欣賞的是它售價不高,但質素表現良好。
||Chateau Monbousquet 与第二间在2012 年升格上Premier Grand Cru Classe A 的Chateau Pavie 是姊妹酒庄,都是Gerard Perse旗下的酒庄,不过在今年2月Gerard Perse已将部分Chateau Monbousquet 的股份售予一个基金公司。它最利害之处是庄主聘请到当今世上神级酿酒师 Michel Rolland 作酿酒顾问,顿时声名大噪,2006 年亦由AOC级别晋升为Grand Cru Classe。 Chateau Monbousquet 2013 无论在香气和味道都是很直接,果味澎湃,亦带有香料、云呢嗱,焦油。最令人欣赏的是它售价不高,但质素表现良好。
Wine of deep purple color with a purple hue.
Taste wine excellent depth and richness, great concentration and saturation, excellent structure, with a velvety finish, very prolonged aftertaste.
The wine has a complex bouquet with bright and explosive aroma of vanilla, cherry jam, licorice, oak and minerals.