The winter was very humid with mild temperatures. Vegetative growth was slowed by a wet spring with lower-than normal-temperatures. Beginning of summer quite cool followed by a month of July in keeping with most seasons, with a peak temperature on the 17th that slightly burnt the grapes. August wasn’t very sunny but rather chilly which staggered the veraison. Summer finally came along in September and October and allowed to wait for full ripeness of the grapes.
在金玫瑰城堡的徽標上刻著這樣一句話——“王者之酒,酒中之王”(Le Vin des Rois, Le Roi des Vins),這句話充分顯示出金玫瑰葡萄酒儘管算不上波爾多前列酒款,但卻足以贏得人們的尊重。這款酒口味濃厚,香氣撲鼻,酒體中等,單寧柔滑,帶有紅色水果、黑色水果和泥土的風味。
||在金玫瑰城堡的徽标上刻着这样一句话——“王者之酒,酒中之王”(Le Vin des Rois, Le Roi des Vins),这句话充分显示出金玫瑰葡萄酒尽管算不上波尔多前列酒款,但却足以赢得人们的尊重。这款酒口味浓厚,香气扑鼻,酒体中等,单宁柔滑,带有红色水果、黑色水果和泥土的风味。
||The colour shows intense ruby highlights. The nose reveals red fruity notes like cherry, but also delicious notes of almond paste and flowers like jasmine. The fleshy mouth is sustained by fine, silky tannins that lead to great length. The finish is aromatic, fresh and tasty.