The must (juice, skin and pips) starts to ferment at between 28° and 30° (82°-86°F) for grapes from old vines and at slightly lower temperatures for younger plots. Alcoholic fermentation generally takes about 2 weeks, In November or December, with for Ducru-Beaucaillou between 50 and 80% in new wood, depending on the richness of the vintage.
著名酒評家詹姆斯·薩克林(James Suckling)在品嘗了這款酒後不禁發出讚嘆,「天啊……這款酒如此強勁而濃郁,果味頗具深度,單寧美妙而成熟。其酒體飽滿,果味和單寧富有層次感。它有着悠長的餘味,風格依舊經典」。他為這款酒打出了97-98分的超高分數。
傑夫·里弗《酒窖情報》(Jeff Leve The Wine Cellar Insider)則發現了2017寶嘉龍強勁背後的另一種風韻,該雜誌評價道:「清新感與平易近人的風格是這款酒的兩大特點。酒款具有往常的濃稠感,但更為精緻、優雅且柔軟」,並給出96-98分。
帕克團隊(Robert Parker Points)也為這款酒打出95-97分的高分,描述其「散發出濃郁的黑醋栗利口酒、黑莓和薰衣草的香氣,夾雜着些許碎石、鐵礦石、野玫瑰果和普羅旺斯藥草的氣息,還伴有少許熏木頭和檀香的味道」。同時,酒款「驚人的陳年潛力」也受到了讚賞。
||著名酒评家詹姆斯·萨克林(James Suckling)在品尝了这款酒后不禁发出赞叹,「天啊……这款酒如此强劲而浓郁,果味颇具深度,单宁美妙而成熟。其酒体饱满,果味和单宁富有层次感。它有着悠长的余味,风格依旧经典」。他为这款酒打出了97-98分的超高分数。
杰夫·里弗《酒窖情报》(Jeff Leve The Wine Cellar Insider)则发现了2017宝嘉龙强劲背后的另一种风韵,该杂志评价道:「清新感与平易近人的风格是这款酒的两大特点。酒款具有往常的浓稠感,但更为精致、优雅且柔软」,并给出96-98分。
帕克团队(Robert Parker Points)也为这款酒打出95-97分的高分,描述其「散发出浓郁的黑醋栗利口酒、黑莓和薰衣草的香气,夹杂着些许碎石、铁矿石、野玫瑰果和普罗旺斯药草的气息,还伴有少许熏木头和檀香的味道」。同时,酒款「惊人的陈年潜力」也受到了赞赏。
||Deep purple-black in color, the 2017 Ducru-Beaucaillou slowly unfurls to reveal beautifully fragrant notes of warm kirsch, wild blueberries, fresh red and black currants and violets with wafts of underbrush and Earl Grey tea. Medium-bodied, the palate has great freshness and elegance, with very well-played, plush tannins and bags of perfumed fruit, finishing on a lingering spicy note. The wine was aged for 18 months in 100% new French oak barrels. The blend is 90% Cabernet Sauvignon and 10% Merlot.