The men of Beychevelle have always ruled their land nobly and brought glory to the château. Ever since its construction in 1565 by Bishop François of Foix-Candale, the reign of the Dukes of Epernon (of which the great admiral, Jean-Louis Nogaret de la Valette was the first), its rebuilding in 1757 by the Marquis de Brassier and subsequent enlargement by the Heine family, followed by the Achille-Fould family until 1986, the château has never ceased to amaze visitors, both in terms of its vineyard and the exceptional setting. Beychevelle’s reputation and extraordinary beauty would not be what they are today without the help of remarkable women, such as Marie-Amélie Kohn, Madame Guestier and Madame Heine, Marie-Louise Fould and Lillette (Elisabeth de Foucaud) who have marked its history, developing its decorative style, its aura of hospitality and its beautiful gardens. Today, Château Beychevelle belongs to Grands Millésimes de France, which is part of the Castel and Suntory groups, and has been managed by Aymar de Baillenx since its creation.
高比例的梅洛使龍船開瓶後芳香四溢,紅色水果果香尤其明顯:蔓越莓、野生草莓。品一口,肉質、成熟且單寧柔順,和諧平衡的一款酒。結構緊緻,餘味綿長,收尾帶有鹹味。 14年的龍船可能是近幾年來最賦魅力的年份。
||A firm and austere young red now but there's serious fruit and mineral character underneath. Full body, chewy tannins and a long finish.