The blend is 100% Chardonnay from various years (20 to 25% of which are wines reserved from the 2 previous years). Provenance: A large majority of Premiers Crus from the Côte des Blancs and Montagne de Reims vineyards for aromatic refinement, supplemented by Sézannais wines known to provide maturity. Finally, several wines from the north of the Vesle valley give a light, fresh touch.
Ruinart酒廠使用來自香檳一級葡萄園區、混合不同年份的chardonnay品種,釀製成這款Blanc de Blancs。透明的18世紀古典酒瓶身造型,讓高雅明亮的淺金黃色香檳一覽無遺。外觀有細緻且持久的氣泡;聞起來首先可以感覺到新鮮的柑橘類果香,然後接著有花卉般的香氣。口感相當圓融和諧,氣泡細緻綿密,帶有桃子、杏子、櫻桃之類的果味,配合均衡的酸度顯得清新爽口。
||Ruinart酒厂使用来自香槟一级葡萄园区、混合不同年份的chardonnay品种,酿制成这款Blanc de Blancs。透明的18世纪古典酒瓶身造型,让高雅明亮的浅金黄色香槟一览无遗。外观有细致且持久的气泡;闻起来首先可以感觉到新鲜的柑橘类果香,然后接着有花卉般的香气。口感相当圆融和谐,气泡细致绵密,带有桃子、杏子、樱桃之类的果味,配合均衡的酸度显得清新爽口。
Blend of 100% Premier Cru Chardonnay from different years.
Superb, golden yellow colour characteristic of the Chardonnay with a beautiful luminosity. Very fine long lasting bubbles (pearls).
Clean, intense first nose. Second nose showing warm, rich notes of brioche, French toast and roasted almonds.
Very supple and harmonious palate. Well balanced, rich, suave and soft wine with notes of soft honey Slight mineral notes and a long sustained finish.